A recent year-in-review by PETCO paints a beautiful picture of recycling in South Africa, with around 62% of all PET plastic bottles placed on the market in 2019 being recycled. That’s a staggering 6 million bottles recycled each and every day, equal to 95 879 tonnes of waste that was stopped from entering landfills, oceans or incinerators!

This effort at recycling as much PET as possible, saw some incredible environmental benefits. As reported by PETCO, 594 448m3 of landfill space was saved and 144 000 tonnes of carbon emissions were stopped from entering our environment. Furthermore, the recycling value chain provides thousands of South Africans with jobs, and injects over R1 billion into the SA economy!

At Brits Nonwoven, we understand the vital importance of protecting the environment. We are extremely proud to be a part of the solution, using fibre made from recycled PET bottles to create the vast majority of our thermal insulation products.

On average, we use 90 tons of recycled fibre per month, which equates to around 2.7 million PET bottles per month and over 30 million per year!

We also spend a lot of time trying to reduce our environmental footprint in as many ways as possible, using 115 tonnes of recycled textile products each month and following a stringent and exacting Environmental Management System to keep our impact to an absolute minimum.

This is just one more way in which Brits Nonwoven leads the industry, and we believe that it is our duty to become an example of what can be achieved if we all reduce, recycle and reuse.